Additional IE 2030 Materials & Reports:
IE 2030 – Community Solutions Report
A comprehensive summary of the community-driven solutions identified during the IE 2030 project, providing insights into the challenges, opportunities, and proposed strategies for creating a more equitable and sustainable Inland Empire.
Strategies & Commitments Briefing Book – May 22 Session
A guidebook for participants of the May 22 session, featuring draft strategies and commitments to stimulate discussion and collaboration towards achieving the vision of the Inland Empire, with a focus on equity, sustainability, and community well-being.
IE 2030 Proposed Solutions Feasibility Rankings Reference Document
A reference document presenting the feasibility rankings of proposed solutions generated by the community, serving as a resource for understanding the viability and potential impact of different solutions.
A compilation of proposed solutions and initiatives aimed at addressing key challenges in the Inland Empire, providing a detailed overview of each solution and its potential impact on various aspects of community development.
A form designed to assess the potential impact and feasibility of proposed solutions, allowing participants to provide structured feedback and ratings based on specific criteria.
IE 2030 Vision & Roadmap: First Session Briefing Packet
A comprehensive packet providing background information, goals, and guidelines for the initial visioning session of the IE 2030 project, guiding participants in shaping the long-term vision and goals for the Inland Empire.
Post-Event Recap & Data – Visioning Session #1 Feb. 2023 – IE 2030 Vision and Roadmap
A summary of the key discussions, insights, and data gathered during the first visioning session of the IE 2030 project, capturing the collective vision and aspirations of the participants for the future of the Inland Empire.
State of the Inland Empire Series – Center for Social Innovation:
State of Immigrants in the Inland Empire
State of Work in the Inland Empire
State of Women in the Inland Empire
State of Civic Engagement in the Inland Empire
State of Nonprofits in the Inland Empire
State of Education Equity in the Inland Empire
State of Innovation in the Inland Empire
Other Inland Empire research:
IE 2030 Vision & Roadmap: First Session Briefing Packet
Aqui Estamos: A Data Profile of Latinos in the Inland Empire
Good Jobs in the Inland Empire